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How to add and manage visual elements of a press release

To add a new element to your press release click on the + icon on the left side of each already-existing element:

After you click the + icon, you will see a dropdown menu. You can choose one element from the list or use search to find it faster.

Basic elements

On top of the drop-down menu, you will find text elements:

  • Text - This element is most often used in the press release. Additional text blocks can be added by clicking ENTER, too.
  • Header & Subheader - If you plan to divide your press releases into sections that thematically differ from each other; headers should highlight the merits of the next paragraph 
  • Lead - Introduction or three-sentence summary of what the press release will be about
  • Ordered & Unordered lists - You can use it, for example, to list the benefits of the product described in your press release
  • Quote - If you want to show how important someone's words are, use this element
  • Annotation - A small description that you can add under a paragraph or other elements
  • Table - Add as many rows and columns as you need for data, images, or just numbers
  • Divider - A horizontal line along with the page which helps to segment the content within the press release


These elements will affect the visual attractiveness of your press release:

  • Image - Images between paragraphs will add some color to your press release. You can use graphics or infographics that might be an interesting addition to your press release. You can also add a link to outside sources with this image or add info about the author below it. Use resources from your hard drive or implement files added previously to the Media Library.
  • Gallery - If you have more than one image, you can add it as a gallery. There are two options - use the slider or show them next to one another. 
  • Full-width image - A photo that will be displayed on the entire width of the page (in so-called parallax) and will be a kind of a break in the text. This picture can contain a description of up to 180 characters.
  • Full-width video - A full-width video will be displayed across the page. Be sure to use a film of the highest quality and resolution.

    Although images are great to include in your press release, don’t get carried away and make it all photos. Be sure to strike a balance between images and text. 

    If photos aren’t essential to your press release, limit the number of pictures to an amount where you’re not overpowering your text. Think quality, not quantity.


    External elements that can be included in the press release:

    • Custom link to any website you like
    • Facebook post (a post, photo, gallery, or video posted on Facebook)
    • Tweet
    • Instagram post (the account must be public, though)
    • LinkedIn post 
    • YouTube video
    • Vimeo video
    • SlideShare slideshow 
    • Prezi presentation 
    • GIF by Giphy 
    • Press release on Prowly.com
    • Custom code (any element in the HTML code)

      Building blocks

      • Authors - This is a card showing a photo and contact details of the person who wrote the press release. If you add more than one author to a single piece of content, only the first one will be visible on the main page of the newsroom and press release's title below the slider.
      • Media contact - The contact card of a person with whom readers interested in a given topic can get in touch. It is worth filling out all possible fields in the media contact card. If journalists have any questions, they will know where they can find an answer.
      • Call to Action Button - You can persuade people to click with some convincing phrase and direct them with a link to another website. 

      After adding each element, you can manage them using a set of tools located on the left side of Press Release Creator. 

      In fact, you can always change the type of any text element (i.e. quickly turn a paragraph into a quote or a heading), and re-organise everything easily — even after you’ve published or sent out your press release. This also means that you can make adjustments whenever you feel like your content is not performing as well as it could be.