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  2. Write press releases
  3. Changing press release settings

How to schedule the publication of a press release

Once you finish writing, you can save your press release and exit the Press Release Creator (by clicking Save & exit at the bottom of the menu), publish it immediately (by changing the status to Published instead of Draft), or schedule the publication in advance:

  1. Click the publication status inside your press release, at the top of Press Release Creator. If you haven't changed it yet, you will see the default setting—Draft:new press release draft status
  2. Choose the Scheduled status from the menu
  3. In the calendar, define the date of publication, time, and timezonenew press release schedule
  4. Confirm your choice by clicking the Schedule button. The article will go public in your newsroom at the desired time

    If needed, you can also schedule a publication with a past date. It’s most useful when migrating multiple press releases from a different website/tool or non-public offline resources.

    1. Choose the Scheduled status
    2. In the calendar set a date from the past
    3. Your press release will receive a Published status and will go public in your newsroom